Pre NCT Check

Pre NCT Check

The NCT (National Car Test) is coming up? To make sure that your vehicle has the best chance to pass the mandatory inspection, our experts at your Bosch Car Service garage nearby will professionally check it in advance.

  • Inspection of individual vehicle components that are relevant for the NCT
  • According to NCT Checklist
  • Optional repair of defects beforehand

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NCT – The mandatory car inspection program in Ireland.

NCT – The mandatory car inspection program in Ireland.

The National Car Test ensures that vehicles meet safety and environmental standards. It consists of various tests including brakes, steering, lighting and more. Passing the NCT is a requirement for the legal use of a car on Irish roads.

The frequency of the NCT depends on the age of a vehicle.

  • New car age 0-3 years: No NCT required
  • Car age 4-9 years: NCT required every 2 years
  • Car age 10 years and older: NCT required every year

NCT logo

Pre Check – How to pass the NCT

If you are not sure whether your vehicle meets the requirements of the National Car Test, we’ll be happy to help you out with a Pre NCT-Service and Check. Our Bosch Car Service mechanics have technical expertise to ensure that all checks are carried out correctly. During our Pre NCT car service, we inspect all visible and accessible components of your vehicle. This includes:

  • Fluids (oil and water)
  • Steering Wheel play
  • Horn
  • Seat belts and clips
  • Windscreen wipers and washers
  • Engine check
  • Tyre check including pressure
  • Check of brake system
  • Light check

Have you noticed a problem with one of these parts? Let your local Bosch Car Service contact know. We take a qualified look at the presumed defect and repair it if necessary. If a part needs to be replaced, we will supply you with original Bosch spare parts and install them professionally.

We also recommend that you visit us regularly for your car’s routine inspection. This way, damage can be detected and repaired, not only regarding the NCT, but also for general road safety throughout the whole year.

FAQs | Pre NCT-Check

How much does the Pre NCT-Check cost?

As a vehicle owner, you can expect to pay between €35 and €70 for our Pre-NCT Service at your nearby Bosch Car Service garage. Simply bring your appointment confirmation for the upcoming NCT, and we'll take care of the rest.

If repairs are required due to defective components that would cause you to fail the NCT, our professionals will advise you on possible repairs or replacement parts.

How long does the Pre NCT-Check take?

A Pre NCT-Check at your Bosch Car Service nearby is usually completed within a short time. The inspection of the individual components relevant to the NCT usually takes around half an hour up to a whole hour. However, please schedule a little more time overall in case you need advice on repair or else.

When is my NCT due date?

You can check your NCT due date on the official NCT Website. Simply enter your vehicle registration number here:

Our experts from Bosch Car Service will also be pleased to advise you regarding your due date.

What documents do I need for the NCT?

In order to take the National Car Test without any problems, you will need the following documents to be admitted:

1. Identification (Driving license)
2. Your vehicle registration book
3. Registration certificate or
4. Licensing certificate

What happens if I don’t pass the NCT?

If you failed the NCT, you are obliged to have your vehicle repaired and take a retest. No worries: we can help you with this by making sure that all defects are rectified. Simply book an appointment at your local Bosch Car Service. Our experts will advise you regarding your result classification and professionally repair the affected parts.

Minor result: Your car has passed the NCT with minor faults.In this case, you will need to have the damage repaired and visit the re-inspection before you can receive the NCT certificate.

Major result: Your vehicle unfortunately didn’t pass the NCT. You now have 30 days to have it repaired and return it for the retest. If you can’t present your car within the 30-day period, a new NCT will have to be carried out.

Dangerous result: Your vehicle failed the test due to a dangerous defect. It isn’t legally allowed to be used on the road.

To demonstrate that, a sticker will be attached to your car showing that it has been classified as dangerous. Before you can receive the NCT certificate, you must have your car repaired and present it for re-inspection.

What happens if I drive my car without a valid NCT certificate?

It is illegal to drive your vehicle without a valid NCT. If the Garda Síochána stops you and you cannot present a valid NCT windscreen disc, you may face serious consequences, including a fine of €2,000, up to 5 penalty points, and/or imprisonment for up to 3 months.